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case study: administrative application
This administrative and reporting system helps Dinners Galore better track the servicing of on-the-go families with the assembly of a healthy meals in just minutes. We also created a reservation tool and monthly meal calendar enabling customers to schedule appointments and place orders online.
In today's fast paced environment, there's a market for creative entrepreneurs willing to provide services that give people more time to do really important things. That's why Dinners Galore approached CyberSense IT with the idea to establish a business where busy, on-the-go individuals could come in and quickly assemble an assortment of healthy meals, enough to fill the family dinner table for weeks. As part of the process, customers would purchase two-hour training sessions, and with the help of Dinners Galore staff, customers would prepare fresh, wholesome meals in bulk from the ingredients provided by Dinners Galore and recipes supplied by their chefs.
our web development solution
Through the Dinners Galore website, customers needed to be able to purchase eight to 12-session packages, access personal accounts, and register for private sessions. The site also needed to have an administrative tool to allow the Dinners Galore team to access account information, download sales reports, update menu information, and change session schedules.
In addition, the website needed to appeal to a broad spectrum of middle- and upper-middle class individuals who typically make the nutritional decisions for their families – primarily women from single- and dual-income suburban households. The site also needed to appeal to older, possibly retired individuals as well as those who prefer home-cooked meals but want to spend less time and money in the kitchen.
The outcome of the project exceeded all expectations, and Dinners Galore is now a major player in this new,
fast-growing industry.