marketing When high-quality web design coincides with a technology project, we get our sister division involved. To peruse that portfolio, please visit the DesignSense Studios site. branding &
design CyberSense IT is a division of CyberSense Enterprises. To learn more, please visit our corporate entity or one of the other divisional sites via the thumbnails to the right. corporate
case study: marketing application
This highly recognizable business franchise approached CyberSense IT to build marketing applications to help improve the management and distribution of coupons and other retail promotions.
CyberSense IT has been a partner with Jiffy Lube for years, and they are easily one of our most aggressive clients in terms of looking for creative ways to market their services. As usual, we were up for the challenge.
our web development solution
First, our sister company, DesignSense Studios , rebranded their website to create a more modern look and feel. We then created a well designed e-offers system allowing their customers to sign up to receive email updates, coupons, and other promotional offers. The solution called for the integration of an open source email tracking tool to help manage their multiple mailing lists and campaigns while also tracking campaign results.
We also installed an interactive store locator and mapping system and several interactive videos to encourage their customers to better service and maintain their automobile.
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